The Legend of Calamity Jane Animated Series Blu-ray contains episodes 1-13 of the animated series directed by Pascal Morelli in standard definition on a Blu-ray disc.
The Old West birthed its fair share of legends—The Wild Bunch, Bill Hickok, John Wesley Hardin; the list goes on. However, not all legends are so easily remembered... When the territories were threatened by roving bands of outlaws and scoundrels, one woman whipped them into shape—Calamity Jane. With her trusty hoss Dakota and cantankerous right-hand man Joe Presto by her side, the mythic frontierswoman doled out old-fashioned justice one tall tale at a time.
Parlez-vous français, pardner? A co-production between French and American studios, Director Pascal Morelli’s hootin’ and hollerin’ tales of the old west stylishly ride onto Blu-ray. This complete collection of the cult classic western includes all 13 episodes presented in standard definition—all holstered on one disc.